Movie Reviews

Review: Wonder Woman (2017)

wonder-woman-movie-poster-2017Hell has finally frozen over huh? Don’t worry – I’m not about to rant about the British heatwave again, but that combined with the fact that DC have released a movie that’s not only taking the box office by storm, but getting rave reviews too? Anything could happen at this point! The promise of air con and ice cream (have I told you enough that my cinema does cinnamon buns ice cream?) was enough to break the curse, and the husband and I finally made it to see Wonder Woman on Monday night. Consider us members of the bandwagon!

After making a brief appearance in Batman V Superman last year, Gal Gadot returns as Wonder Woman, for a solo movie of her own, exploring her origin story. As long as it’s not Batman or Spiderman, I kind of dig an origin story movie, and this one in particular, because I soon realised I knew next to nothing about Wonder Woman herself. I won’t explain the plot to you here, I’m sure at least 80% of the population has seen it by now anyway!

I think one of the biggest problems with DC movies of late is that they’ve been pretty cool to look at, but that’s about it, they’re shallow. Wonder Woman takes that and just adds so much more. With a duo of Gal Gadot and Chris Pine, I honestly don’t know who I have the biggest crush on! Mind you, the glow in the dark bath scene coupled with Chris Pine being tied up with the lasso of truth might just seal the deal for me. *cough* Sorry…


Honestly though? If you’ll allow me a serious moment here, something I really appreciated was the fact that despite the scenes with numerous tall, beautiful women sparring in tight armour, none of it felt sleazy at all. It was sexy as hell, but classy, and I really have to hand it to the team for that one.

Back to Gal Gadot though. Was anyone else expecting her to be so funny? The clothes shopping montage was hilarious, and her reaction to babies and ice cream just made my heart melt. Can we just scrap the Justice League movie and have a feature film of Wonder Woman and Etta having a girls day out? No! Actually, can we have a DC & Marvel crossover just containing Wonder Woman and Thor generally being confused with everyday objects and life? Please, movie gods!


I guess the only thing I didn’t enjoy so much was the final battle. It was inevitable really, but just before that moment my mind erased all memory of the sub-par DC movies, but it kind of came back in that CGI-heavy battle. That amazing soundtrack made up for it a little though, I’ll admit.

If you couldn’t tell already, I kinda loved Wonder Woman. My expectations were low for so long, but I got caught into the hype in the last couple of weeks. 4 out of 5 sentimental watches from me. I’m not crying, you’re crying.


P.S. I’d like you to appreciate the fact I spent 20 minutes looking for a picture of a watch actually from World War I. I’m nothing if not thorough!

20 thoughts on “Review: Wonder Woman (2017)

  1. Glad you finally got to see this, Allie. I’m more excited for Justice League now because maybe there is a future for the DCEU after all! I could always use more Gal Gadot in my life.


  2. I STILL haven’t seen this. Yes, I admit it. Still not. Maybe someday though, I just want to see what all the hype is about xD So glad you enjoyed this though,and hope you got some ice cream out of the deal, too!


  3. “Can we just scrap the Justice League movie and have a feature film of Wonder Woman and Etta having a girls day out?”

    I’m totally behind this idea. Get on it, studio executives! 😉 Great review, by the way. I just love how this movie brought out Diana’s strengths not just physically, but emotionally. Now, I can’t wait to see her outshine the whole crew in Justice League!


  4. I actually postpone watching this movie the whole time. I thought it would be another bad superhero movie, but this blog post made me want to give it a chance. Guess I was wrong here. Thank you!


  5. Love the idea of Thor and Wondy! I think Gal even asked Chris if Thor would win with her and Chris tweeted she would kick his ass

    I just hope Justice League is also good and this one wasn’t just a happy accident in DC


  6. Hi Allie! Glad to hear you loved this too. I’ve seen it twice and loved it even more the second time around. I didn’t expect Gal to have such a great comic timing which is so awesome to see. Plus she’s so bad ass!


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